Me sitting in front of my hut at Ha-Teko
Saskia cutting vegetables in the candle lights
Our supper with steamed potatoes, fish and cabbage salad
Inside my hut with great morning sunshine
On the top of the mountain where the herdboys stay with their animals
With my 2 village boys
Lefu, one of the boys from our village looking at the mountain
Me taking some pictures down under the mountain
Our tracking to get to the water spring on top of the mountain
On our way taking a break
Saskia visiting our village
Snack time all together!
2014 Project, Building a Community Learning Centre in Ha-Teko (4) | 2014.11.13 |
Mosotho man in traditional clothing (0) | 2014.11.04 |
with my new housemate, Saskia! Maseru life 2014 (2) | 2014.09.30 |
with two brothers at Ha-Teko, Maseru, Lesotho 레소토 떼꼬마을 두 남동생 (2) | 2014.08.25 |
2014 Ha-Teko International Workcamp, Maseru, Lesotho (0) | 2014.08.15 |
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