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본문 제목

2014 Project, Building a Community Learning Centre in Ha-Teko

2014 Lesotho

by cindenella 2014. 11. 13. 19:18



"The future is in our hands today"

For Education for Sustainable Development

We start holding a public gathering in the village to find out what their needs are

Amongst all the needs, We focus on literacy education and community development programmes

by establishing CLC(Community Learning Centres)

Especially, our first step to start is focusing on ECCD(Early Childhood Care and Development)

ECCD is a critical stage in our life. When we focus from early stage, we don't need to face many problems.

It is an investment of our children. 

The bricks were delivered to start our project.

The site was secured by the community where majority people can come and get the benefits.

After finishing foundation work, builders continued their work.

We hire builders from the village to find their capabilities and strengths.

Even during the construction, We hold another public gathering to motivate people to participate in work.

After the public gathering, people were initiated more to join the work.

village women fetching water from the river

Village men helping construction work

A whole view of the CLC(Community Learning Centre)

There has been a lot of progress thanks to the participation of community youth group

One of our youth group members, Retselisitse learning building skills working together

Almost finishing up building part

by working together, village youth can also acquire skills on their own 

so that they can also contribute for the community development.

Our great team! KOPANO KE MATLA! 


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